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Mission Statement

The People's Campaign is a social and economic equity-driven organization that engages in political action. Our mission is to change politics and policy in ways that positively impact people.


We are grassroots organizers, digital messengers and trusted advocates for

Working Families

Public Education

Health Equity

Social Justice

Healthy Democracy

Our team participates in direct voter contact by engaging in face to face conversations with voters where they live. 

We reinforce that door-to-door engagement by supporting that organizing effort with digital messages to those same communities and a larger audience to drive our message home.


We engage people who are impacted by the issues we advocate for. Then we equip them with information and opportunities that empower them to engage their communities.

Those Communities Include:

Working Families

Health Equity &
Social Justice Seekers

Public Education Communities

Communities of Color

Faith Based Communities

Everyone Who Values Healthy Democracy


Since 2015, The People’s Campaign’s work has been instrumental in securing successful electoral outcomes that benefit the communities we serve.


Examples include electing Governor Andy Beshear in 2019 and 2023 in deep-red Kentucky and electing Senators John Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in highly contested U.S. Senate races in Georgia.

How To Get Involved

We are committed to engaging voters around our issues because we believe that the best way to bring progressive change is by electing people who already agree with the changes we want to make!

If you can't fly then run;

If you can't run, then walk;

If you can't walk, then crawl;

But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Join Us

Become a part of The People's Campaign today!
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