Location and Interest-Based Caucuses
Interest-based caucuses consist of members who are passionate about specific policy areas. The People’s Campaign’s interest based caucuses are:
K12 Education
Safe Thriving Communities (STC)
*Establishing the College Caucus, that will focus on student focused post-secondary education issues, is a priority.
Each caucus:
Helps shape our policy priorities and positions in their area of interest, based upon analysis of internal and external research;
Recommends election priorities and candidate endorsements;
Assists with campaign messaging and;
Recruits other people who are passionate about their interest area to join them in the work of The People’s Campaign!
The Lexington, KY and Louisville, KY caucuses are made up of our members that live in those respective metropolitan areas (including surrounding counties). These geographic caucuses will convene to analyze research, recommend policy positions and election priorities, make endorsement recommendations and assist with campaign messaging. Additionally, local caucuses recruit members to join them in the work of The People’s Campaign!
Additional local caucuses are planned for the near future!
Many of our elected officials at the federal and state level are intent upon dismantling the Affordable Care Act, placing little to no value on the wellbeing of millions of people who now have healthcare coverage that did not have it before. The People’s Campaign is committed to the expansion of affordable comprehensive coverage to all people. Therefore, the Healthcare Caucus will recommend candidate endorsements and messaging that is consistent with our position.
According to the words of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, “all (people) are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights . . . (and among those rights) are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The People’s Campaign is committed to policy positions that help make these rights a reality for all people.
Yet, many of our communities are filled with people that are not thriving, in part because systems and policies are in place that make it a daily struggle for them to survive.
Therefore, the STC Caucus will ultimately recommend candidate endorsements and messaging that is consistent with our position.
The principles of right and wrong are still essential concepts within virtually every faith community. The Faith Caucus advocates for a much broader application of truth and righteousness to issues across all caucus areas.
Members of this caucus are committed to the moral obligation to be very concerned about how the actions of elected officials have and/or will impact the most vulnerable populations – the sick, the poor and the elderly etc. Therefore, the Faith Caucus will recommend candidate endorsements and messaging that are consistent with this position.
The People’s Campaign is committed to championing equitable educational opportunities and academic success for all students. Far too many students graduate from high school neither college nor career ready. Socially and economically, society cannot not sustain the long-term continuation of this disheartening reality. The K12 Education Caucus will recommend candidate endorsements and messaging that is consistent with our position.
Businesses that join The People’s Campaign become members of the Business Caucus. The People’s Campaign is committed to the development and sustainability of effective federal, state and local supplier diversity programs that will empower businesses that are truly owned and operated by women and people of color. The Business Caucus will recommend candidate endorsements and messaging that is consistent with our position.
Also, The People’s Campaign strongly encourages community network and political action members to support businesses that demonstrate their commitment to government of the people, by the people and for the people through their presence in our Business Caucus.
Perhaps Thomas Jefferson’s most inspiring words in the Declaration of Independence are, “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal . . .” So, even though our country has not always been truthful about many things, it is clear that one of the foundations that this country was built upon was the conclusive recognition of the fact that the Truth exists, and at times it is even “self-evident.”
Yet, in this era of fake news and alternative facts, the Truth is under attack in our communities, in the media and at the highest levels of government. Therefore, the Truth Matters Institute, the research arm of The People’s Campaign, is committed to finding the truth through balanced and objective research in the areas of Healthcare, Education, Economic Justice and Safe Thriving Communities.
More specifically, Truth Matters compiles, verifies, analyzes, summarizes and disseminates its findings, which establishes foundational truths on which the caucuses of The People’s Campaign can frame in their work.
Information coming soon...